I was born in beautiful Ottawa, Canada and I'm currently attending high school here. I'm an only child living with my parents and two cats. I've been doing traditional art for as long as I can remember, using a variety of media including pencil, paint, clay, and mashed potatoes (did I say traditional? ;D). I've also been using computers since I was two years old, according to my parents, so the transition into computer art was fairly natural. I used mostly simple 2D paint programs until I discovered a cheap 3D package at a computer store; I bought it, thinking "this is the coolest thing in the world!" When I was fourteen, I learned about Bryce and convinced my parents that this was the program for me - after that, I was addicted. I recently started a small web design business, Topaz Designs, so I can make some money in my spare time by doing something I really enjoy. My plans for the future definitely include digital art, maybe continuing with web design, or pursuing a career in 3D animation, or other 3D artwork.


